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Additional CAM Insight and Support

June 2022 – 2022 has been a busy year so far for us here at OPDEC. DCMA provided an update to the DECM compliance metrics (v5.0, released December 2021). This new DECM revision was included as part of our February IPM update. In May, our latest IPM software release (Version 9.1.52) included a new module: Integrated Data. This Integrated Data module allows all IPM users greater insight into the cost data, alongside the schedule information. Cost information at this level was previously only found within the Cost Module, and where access is typically limited to Finance/Business managers. Now CAMs, Program managers and other team members can see in more detail the elements that contribute to higher level variances, WBS roll-up information and overall cost metrics.

In addition to our software updates, OPDEC has also continued to build its CAM Support team. These team members are focused on providing support to Control Account Managers who maybe be overwhelmed by required Earned Value efforts or have conflicting program priorities. Our CAM Support personnel have a strong Earned Value foundation, and their efforts span from training, to mentorship, to the maintenance and update of monthly program EV data.