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Microsoft Project Tools

Task Review

OPDEC’s Task Review Tool generates easy to read management reports for quick schedule analysis depicting slipped activities, look ahead, and task-at-risk project statuses

The Task Review tool generates easy to read management reports depicting “slipped” and/or “look-ahead” activities, tasks that are at risk, completed activities, and interfaces (hand-offs). Reports are widely customizable allowing you to tailor them to your own company or program. Use the default report templates provided, or create an endless number of reporting styles driven to meet your needs. Exportable to PowerPoint and with a one-time setup capability, you will be creating meaningful management reports in minutes. The reports are generated in Milestones Professional® by KIDASA (sold separately).

Task Review reports include:

  • Slipped Activities: Identify activities that have exceeded the planned date and may cause a delay in another activity in meeting its milestone date.
  • Look Ahead: Gain insight into the activities scheduled to start or complete. Couple this report with the Slipped Activities report into one if desired.
  • Tasks at Risk: Show activities whose percentage complete variance exceeds the threshold you define
  • Interfaces: Show near term handoffs from one IPT/Organization to another and how they affect each other
  • Custom Output: Download the User’s Guide to learn more about the great reporting features available with the Task Review Tool


Buy Now! $299.00

All licenses include 1 year of M&S (maintenance and support) from the date of purchase; additional years sold separately.

Privacy, Refund & Upgrade policies


  • Milestones Professional 2008 – 2023
  • Microsoft Project 2010 – 2021
  • Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11
  • End User License Agreement
