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IPM Utilities News – Navigate Tasks Utility: ‘A Better Way to Evaluate Task Relationships: The Navigate Tasks Tool’

July 2018 – The IPM Utilities’ Navigate Tasks Tool is designed to help schedulers quickly find the information they want by providing a better way to view task data. It’s a dynamic form that works in conjunction with the user’s active selection in their Project file. 

The actively selected task will be displayed in the middle of the form with its predecessor tasks shown above and its successor tasks below. Clicking on the related task links will move the Project task selection, and the current task display switches to show the newly selected task information. This lets users follow a path through their schedule using the task relationships.

View of relationships of schedule tasks in Navigate Tasks Utility

This tool works well in conjunction with the Inspect Schedule tool. You can inspect your schedule, select the first task in the filtered list of problematic tasks, and then launch the Navigate Tasks form to cycle through the problem task and its relationships to determine the cause. Especially helpful in diagnosing the causes behind Out of Sequence tasks, since the Navigate Tasks will flag these issues as well in the “OoS” column.